
  • Rackup File Config.ru Not Readable
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 4. 09:13

    Beautiful code invites a programmer to learn from it, maintain it, and extendit. Ugly code begs to be thrown out and re-written. Consistent code is morebeautiful and easier to read that inconsistent code. Adopting a consistent stylewill make code more beautiful, and increase its lifespan and impact. This postexplains the Ruby style that I have developed from my experience writing Ruby,JavaScript, Java, Python, C, and Objective C.My style mostly agrees with.Read his if you’re looking for a more condensed summary. Some rules are inspiredfrom Google’s Ruby style guide, which will most likely never be released. Basic Formatting80 characters per line.

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    2. Backup File Config.ru Not Readable Version

    UI studies suggest that people are most efficientat reading text that is 72 characters / line. The limit of 80 accounts for thefact that source code has more punctuation than English text.

    The limit alsoallows fitting two code windows side-by-side on a laptop (code / tests), orthree windows on a desktop (HTML / CSS / JS).2-space indentation. Larger indentation might make code easier to read,but definitely makes it harder to fit a decent amount of code on 80-characterlines.No tabs. Editors and browsers may assign different widths to tabs. Decenteditors have an option named along the lines of “Use spaces for tabs” thatwill do the magic for you.Avoid trailing whitespace, but don’t go out of your way to remove it.Eclipse-based IDEs trash up the code with trailing whitespace. Write your codeas cleanly as possible. Don’t submit pull requests consisting solely of removingtrailing whitespace, but feel free to piggyback whitespace removal to otherstuff.Blank line between top-level class, module, and/or method definitions.Top-level definitions serve as sections in a source file.

    Spacing helps visuallybreak down the file into sections. Examples of Basic Formatting Rules. 1puts 'Hello world'Use UTF-8 if 7-bit ASCII doesn’t work. If you must use characters outside7-bit ASCII in UI strings, use UTF-8.

    Most software that your code might need tointerface with (e.g. Browsers, database servers) uses UTF-8 by default.Magic encoding comment for UTF-8 files. If your source code has non-ASCIIcharacters, always add a magic encoding comment to it.Remember that the magic comment must be on the first line of the file. If thefirst line is a shebang line, the magic comment must immediately follow it.Always leave a blank line after the magic comment. UTF-8 Source Code. Sinatra is perfect for proofs of concept and small Web applications, and canalso hold its own when used in medium applications. Knowing how to use buildfull MVC application on Sinatra will save you from switching to a heavyweightframework (such as ) too early in yourapplications’ development cycle.

    Building an MVC application on top of Sinatrawill help you develop a better intuition for how models, views, and controllersfit together, so you’ll have a head start in learning Rails.This post is a part of a series on,and surveys the design of a database-backed MVC Sinatra application. The sampleapplication is an extension of the VC (View-Controller) location geocodingexample in thepost.This post is unfinished. The code is complete and works, but it missesexplanations.

    I hope to get back to it soon. Directory Structure MVC Application Directory Tree. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    Backup File Config.ru Not Readable Drive

    The code samples in thispost reflect my preference for the MVC pattern, but you should know that Sinatradoesn’t enforce any particular code organization. The code samples use thedevelopment environment set up in thepost.

    Controller ApplicationLet’s start with a minimal Sinatra application that still does something useful.The code is heavily inspired from the snippet on.Download the code below (use the link at the right of the title bar), and run itusing the ruby hello.rb command. Try it out in your browser by visiting.

    Minimal Rack Application (hello.rb). 1 2$ bundle$ bundle exec shotgunThese commands work with,which keep track of the gems that the application uses. Bundle (line 1,shorthand for bundle install) reads out the gem dependencies from Gemfile,finds and installs the most recent gem versions matching the dependencies, andwrites the version numbers in Gemfile.lock, in the same directory. Bundlercreates a RubyGems environment where only the gems listed in Gemfile.lock areavailable. This removes one potential difference between your development andproduction environment. 1VC Gemfile for Bundler (Gemfile). 1 2 3 4 5 6source:rubygems gem 'sinatra', '= 1.3.1', require: 'sinatra/base' gem 'shotgun', '= 0.9' gem 'sass', '= 3.1.12' gem 'thin', '= 1.3.1'The Gemfile above lists all the gems used by our application (lines 3-6), andinstructs Bundler to use the public RubyGems repository to find the gems.The application clearly depends on the sinatra gem (line 3), and also needsthe sass gem (line 5) to render SCSS.

    Rackup File Config.ru Not Readable

    Our development process uses the thinapplication server and shotgun, so the Gemfile includes them as well(lines 4, 6). 1VC Rackup File (config.ru). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7require 'bundler' Bundler. Require use Rack::Session:: Cookie, secret: 'devsecret' require './app.rb' run AppMany Ruby application servers can serve Rack applications from a config.rurackup file, without any additional configuration.

    For example, shotgun (inbundle exec shotgun) is shorthand for shotgun config.ru. Readfor arefresher on Rack and rackup files.The rackup file uses Bundler to load the gems that the application depends on(lines 1-2), configures a piece of Rack middleware (line 4), then loads theSinatra application (line 6) and points Rack to it (line 7). The applicationuses the same logic as the previous example, but is packaged as a “new-style”Sinatra application that lives in its own class. Production-Ready 1VC Application (app.rb).

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8$ heroku login$ ssh-keygen -N ' $ heroku keys:add$ git init$ git add.$ git commit -m 'Initial commit' $ heroku create$ git push -u heroku masterCommands 1-3 link your Heroku account with this computer. Run them once oneach computer that you’ll use to write code. Commands 4-6 create a Gitrepository and add the application’s files to it. You’ll need to run them oncefor every application that you create. Command 7 creates an applicationcontainer on Heroku, and prints out a URL where the application is served –look for the long string starting with ” Last, command 8 sends theGit repository contents to Heroku, and thus deploys the application intoproduction.You have now published a Web application using Sinatra!

    Celebrate by visitingyour application’s URL on Heroku, see your real IP, and refresh the page to testthe session functionality! VC (View-Controller) Production-Ready ApplicationOne-file applications are great for small proofs of concept, but becomedifficult to maintain as they grow in size. Also, programmer-friendlly texteditors can recognize a view’s template language, based on the file extension,and apply syntax highlighting. Last but not least, having the view templates inseparate files lets the designers work exclusively with front-end languages(HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Let’s separate the views from our sample application,and add some JavaScript magic while we’re at it!Create a new directory named vc, and download the files below. Use thedirectory structure in the following listing, so that the Sinatra code can findthe view files.

    Set up and launch an application server ( bundle followed bybundle exec shotgun). Visitin a browser that supports Geolocation, and try it out! VC Application Directory Tree. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9source:rubygems gem 'coffee-script', '= 2.2.0' gem 'geocoder', '= 1.1.0' gem 'sinatra', '= 1.3.1', require: 'sinatra/base' gem 'shotgun', '= 0.9' gem 'sass', '= 3.1.12' gem 'therubyracer', '= 0.9.9' gem 'thin', '= 1.3.1'The revised application uses, which issyntactic sugar on top of JavaScript. The(line 3) and(line 8) gems enableCoffeeScript view templates in Sinatra.The JavaScript code uses theto obtain theuser’s position as a (latitude, longitude) coordinate pair. The coordinates aresubmitted to the Sinatra application, which geocodes them (converts thecoordinates into a street address). Thegem (line 4) uses Google’sgeocoding API to do all the hard work.

    Backup File Config.ru Not Readable Version

    VC Rackup File (config.ru).

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